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Minggu, 22 November 2015

Ayo Mencoba Mencipta Sastra Enam Kata Ala Ernest Hemingway

Sastra enam kata
Foto pinjam dari
Dunia khayangan, di suatu Minggu pagi

Usai menyetrika (lagi-lagi), menjelang waktu membersihkan diri. Daku sempatkan mampir di lapak Mas Hazmi. Entah mengapa aku kagum sama penulis minimalis ini. Jangan tanya kenapa! #galak euiii.

It's all about taste and really subjective, man! No need further explanation, ok. 
At least for this time, I guess. Who knows... 

Can we move on?

I am so sorry, I just changes my mind.

I want to share this in English, it's just pop up in to my mind. Kind a cool, I guess

Back to laptop!

I read his posting slowly, couple times.

Until I got the message

I am so agreed with him in the part when it said that boss sometimes do this stuff,  answered in 6 words actually.

So true.

Then I wrote my comment there "Awesome! We should do this sometimes!" 
While reading and writing, I do calculating many times to make sure it is consists 6 words sensuality.

Did you smell sensuality there? Let me know, please

Or, do you have such as experience as well?

Let share to the world!!

13 komentar:

  1. Oke mbak, I'm not asking for explanation. Heheee

  2. iya..kalau nanya entar digalakin..

  3. Such a great words! Let's share to the world ^^

  4. Sebuah kehormatan ketika namaku tertulis disini.

    #KomenHampirEnamKata hahahaha

  5. Klo aku boleh nanya ga nih
    Btw barti pecinta kata kata puitis ya mb Rosa hihi

  6. I smell cookies ...cookies also has sensuality xixixix

  7. Honestly, i never count on it :D


    1. Yay!
      Keep the spirit ON...
      This kind an interesting things, are you with me, Mom?


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